Hot Yoga Bikram Method

We practice the original form of Bikram hot yoga, based on the Bikram series of 26 static postures and 2 breathing exercises. Classes are 60 or 90 minutes long, held in a studio heated to approximately 42°C.

This class systematically works your every muscle, tendon, joint, ligament, organ and gland.

As well as allowing your body to stretch, cleanse and detoxify, it acts like a preventative medicine, strengthening your immune system and helping relieve chronic pain such as arthritis, joint, knee and back issues.

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Hot yoga also moves oxygenated blood to the cells of your body, guaranteeing your respiratory and cardiovascular system a good workout.

The postures massage your internal organs and stimulate your endocrine and nervous systems, releasing any deficient hormones and enzymes, which can greatly reduce stress levels and help with depression and anxiety.

The 26 postures yoga class is an intelligently designed and safe yoga series for beginners. Just focus on your breath and alignment and we guarantee you’ll start to feel the results from your very first class!